Child Care: Discussing COVID-19 with Public Health – January 26, 2022

Child Care: Discussing COVID-19 with Public Health – January 26, 2022

Click the show more link below to find the listing of questions posed to the panellists and links to navigate to the specific time they were asked.

On January 26, 2022 the Ministry of Children and Family Development hosted a virtual discussion with a panel of public health professionals to provide greater clarity to the sector and address questions from the child care sector. Panel members included Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer; Dr. Reka Gustafson, Vice President, Public Health and Wellness, Provincial Health Services Authority and Deputy Provincial Health Officer; Dr. Jason Wong, Associate Medical Director, Clinical Prevention Services, BC Centre for Disease Control and Dr. Mark Lysyshyn, Deputy Medical Health Officer, Vancouver Coastal Health.

To view the COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Child Care Settings visit:


4:04 – Introduction from Minister of State for Child Care, Katrina Chen
8:04 – Context Setting from Dr. Bonnie Henry
25:17 – Dr. Wong addresses guideline updates to isolation, definition of a close contact & symptoms
31:13 – Clarification on runny nose and other symptoms
34:21 – How is it safe for an unvaccinated child who has been directly exposed to COVID, such as having a parent who has tested positive, to come into the child care setting?
37:08 – Can parents or guardians who test positive for COVID drop off and pick up their children at childcare – wouldn’t that be breaking isolation protocol?
39:04 – We have an immunocompromised staff member to consider. Does this change any recommendations in the guidance on closures or staying home?
41:47 – What is the definition of “when they feel well enough to participate in activities”? This isn’t clear enough to determine if a child can come back.
45:00 – Why isn’t there a vaccination mandate for child care providers? As a parent I am concerned that my child care provider is unvaccinated.
51:13 – Can I ask my staff to provide their vaccination status?
53:13 – Why do unvaccinated children not have to isolate for 10 days like unvaccinated adults do?
57:00 – How do the rapid tests fit into the conversation around “layers of protection”?
1:06:56 – Will children under 5 be receiving the vaccination?
1:11:13 – The updated guidance says that child care facilities should not be closed for public health reasons unless directed to do so by a Medical Health Officer. I run my own child care business, why am I not allowed to close if I want to?
1:14:56 – What are child care operators required to do in reporting covid cases/communicable diseases?
1:16:39 – I run a child care centre on school grounds, which guidelines do I follow?
1:21:04 – Given that all young children are unvaccinated, and the omicron variation has such a high rate of transmission, why hasn’t the Province ordered child care centres to close when other types of operations that serve a vaccinated population have been ordered to close or operate at reduced capacities?

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