Mnemonic for RCH – II / Reproductive Child Health Programme – II / Strategies and Interventions.

Mnemonic for RCH – II / Reproductive Child Health Programme – II / Strategies and Interventions.

– Basic Information – (Refer the previous video of RCH Phase I)
I. Concept
– An integrated Approach
– Aimed at improving the health status of young women young children.
II. Definition

RCH has been defined as
“ People have the ability to reproduce and regulate their fertility, women are able to go through pregnancy and child birth safely, the outcome of pregnancies is successful in terms of maternal and infant survival and wellbeing and couples are able to have sexual relations, free of fear of pregnancy and of contracting disease”. (Fathella)

III. Historical Background
1952 – National Family Planning Programme
1977 – National Family Welfare Programme
1985 – UIP / Universal Immunization Programme
1992 – CSSM / Child Survival and Safe Motherhood
1997 – RCH – I
2005 – RCH – II

RCH – II Phase
 RCH phase II began from Ist April 2005.
 The focus of the programme is to reduce maternal and child morbidity
and mortality with emphasis on rural health care.
1. To reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR),
Total Fertility Rate (TFR),
2. To increase Couple Protection Rate (CPR), and Immunization coverage,
specially in rural areas.
III. Objectives
1. To improve the management performance
2. To develop human resources intensively
3. To expand RCH services to tribal areas also
4. To improve the quality, coverage and effectiveness of the existing
services and more focused on Empowered Action Group (EAG) states
5. To monitor and evaluate services.

EAG – Empowered Action Group
• Constituted by MHFW on 2001 for focusing attention for different
health & FW programms in Underserved states such as UP, Bihar, MP,
Rajasthan, Odisha, Chhattisgarah, Jarkhand and
Uttaranchal ( as 55% increase in population is anticipated in these
IV. Components of RCH-II
( Mnemonic)
1. Urban and Tribal Health
2. Control of RTIs / STIs
3. Adolescent Health
4. Maternal Health
5. Population Stabilization
6. Newborn Care and Child Health
7. Monitoring and Evaluation
8. Other Priority areas

V. Major Strategies / Interventions of RCH – II
A. Essential Obstetric Care.
a. Skilled Attendance at delivery
b. Institutional Delivery
B. Emergency Obstetric Care
a. Operationalizing FRU/ CHC
C. Strengthening of Referral System
D. Others
Minimum Services to be provided by FRUs / CHCs
1. Referral Transport Services
2. Emergency Obstetric Care
3. Family planning services
4. Emergency Care sick children
5. RTIs / STIs Rx
6. Safe Abortion services
7. Laboratory services
8. Twenty four (24) hr. delivery services
9. Storage of Blood – facility
10. Newborn care.

Facilities in FRUs – RCH II Phase
1. A minimum bed strength of 20 -30, relaxed in EAG states as 10-12.
2. A fully functional Operation theatre
3. A fully functional Labour Room
4. An area earmarked and equipped for newborn care in the labour room
and in the ward
5. A functional laboratory
6. Blood Storage facility
7. 24 hour water & electricity supply
8. Arrangements of waste disposal

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