Child Health – science for life

Child Health – science for life

The UMC Utrecht is one of the largest academic hospitals in the Netherlands. Professionals work on the health and wellbeing of children on a daily basis. Child Health is one of six UMC Utrecht-wide strategic research themes. All diseases in focus of the Child Health program are characterized by their influence on the individuals’ entire lifespan. These disorders often start at the beginning of life, or even before birth, and can have consequences far into adulthood. Within the Child Health program the ‘Cycle of Life’ approach is strongly intertwined with the so called ‘Cycle of Innovation’. Within this ‘Cycle of Innovation’ ambitious interdisciplinary teams of patients, clinicians and investigators – from bench to bedside to society – strive to develop and implement novel approaches for treatment, (early) diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of children with chronic diseases to fulfill unmet medical and psychosocial needs, to improve the lives of these children and their relatives. Both cycles interact at any moment in our hospital. With science and research, we provide the best possible care, today and in the future.

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